Samantha Parker

Samantha Parker works for Orphan Europe (Recordati Group), a pharmaceutical company dedicated to the development of orphan drugs for rare diseases. Samantha has 15 years’ experience collaborating in rare disease research and public health networks, sometimes referred to as European Reference Networks (ERN): EPNET (, EuroWilson (, E-IMD ( and E-HOD ( Specific activities in these networks include: expanding the expert disease community of healthcare professionals, patients, industry and regulators; building disease registries; developing consensus care guidelines; building measures to improve quality of diagnosis and patient care, in particular addressing differences between countries in Europe. She currently focuses on establishing public private partnerships between academically governed registries and those run by the industry for post marketing surveillance and risk management plans.

Samantha is vice president of the RRD Foundation for advancing knowledge in rare diseases through independent, professional education and training (

She is a member of the European Group of Experts on Rare Diseases (EGRD) and the International Rare Disease Research Consortium (IRDiRC)

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