Please read the General Terms and Conditions carefully
Registration fees (prices are in Euro):
Early | Standard |
Late |
Regular attendee | 400 | 500 | 600 |
EJP RD & IRDiRC Members* | 350 | 400 | 450 |
Students/Postgraduate Trainees** | 350 | 400 | 450 |
Patient organization representative*** | 300 | 300 | 300 |
Company | 600 | 750 | 900 |
* Our conference secretariat will verify your membership (applicable only for public/not-for-profit institutions).
** Please e-mail a copy of a Student’s ID or a confirmation signed by the head of the department at the time of your registration. Confirmations handed in at a later stage cannot be considered.
*** Please e-mail a confirmation signed by the head of the organization at the time of your registration. Confirmations handed in later cannot be considered.
Prices are in Euro (payment by credit card with Stripe is charged with a fee of 3,5%)
The registration fee includes: